More proof God is Evil and that Palestinian Girls have more Balls than Men!

23 September 2015 (16:58 UTC-07 Tango 01)/01 Mehr 1394/09 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/11 Yi-You (8th month) 4713

Three operations were performed on my daughter. A part of her intestines had to be removed. But the bullet in her chest was what killed her.”-Salah Hashlamoun, father of unarmed Palestinian girl that had more ‘balls’ than most Israeli men

A squad of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) men shot unarmed 18 years old Hadil Hashlamoun at point blank range! Reports say the IDF shot at her dozens of times, she was hit at least three times.  But that wasn’t enough ’cause she was still alive!  The IDF then blocked the responding EMTs for at least 30 minutes until the IDF were satisfied with how much blood she lost, guaranteeing she would die!

IDF claim she was attacking them with a knife, but there’s plenty of pics of the incident on the internet that shows otherwise.

The Palestinian National Unity Government is demanded the ineffectual United Nations investigate the murder.  They say the IDF stopped the 18 years old girl as she was walking home.  She was holding a bag (a large purse).  Pics confirm this.  The official report by the IDF says she was attacking them with a knife.  The pics show the girl standing still, hands down holding her bag. After she’s bled out for 30 minutes a video shows IDF dragging her body with no sign of a weapon in her possession.  Reports say the bag contained her school books!

According to Palestinian news reports the IDF has shot and killed at least two Palestinians in the past two days, and wounded two people in the past three days as well as kidnapped 27 males (men and boys). And that was just in Palestine’s West Bank.

Israeli settlers take over Mosque then run over 7 years old boy!

Once again, Palestinian girls have more ‘balls’ than most ‘men’!