U.S. Civil War Chicago, 05-06 July 2014: Police behind skyrocketing bloodshed? Unarmed boy shot 20 times by cops as he hid under a car!

“Going into the holiday weekend we had a plan, including putting hundreds more officers on the streets and what were the results? The results were a lot of shootings, a lot of murders, unfortunately.”-Garry McCarthy, Police Superintendent

Despite the panic over the civil war in Chicago, police spokesman Martin Maloney admitted murders are actually down: “…to date we have had the fewest murders since 1963….”

Incomplete list:

8700 block of South Sangamon Avenue: 16 years old boy shot 20 times by NAZI-land cops.  Initially the police reported the boy turned and pointed a gun at them.  The truth is that the boy was hiding under a car, and police blasted him as he tried to follow their orders to get out from under the car: “They shot him over twenty times! They are trying to say he had a gun on him and he didn’t have a gun on him!”-Georgiana Utendahl, mother of victim

63rd Street and Austin Avenue: 30 years old man gut shot in a Walgreens park lot. He died. Police don’t give a shit ’cause they say the victim is a gangbanger.

5200 block of West Lake Street: One man shot and killed, another wounded as they sat in their car.

Montrose Avenue and Malden Street: 20 years old man shot and killed as he sat in his car.

6500 block of South Seeley Avenue: Police found an 18 years old man who had been shot and killed.

West Englewood: A man was shot and wounded by cops, as he left a party.   Police claim the man pointed a gun at them.

Exchange Avenue, Escanaba Avenue, Muskegon Avenue and surrounding areeas: A man and woman shot and wounded as they left a store.  Another man was shot and wounded as he sat on his porch.  Witnesses say men on the street were shooting at each other, then ran into a vacant lot where they continued to blast away.  Police responded to a shots fired report to find spent casings on a porch.  Then police panicked as they heard dozens of gunshots all around the neighborhood.  They issued an “officer in distress” call.  Tactical ground and heli-borne teams surrounded the neighborhood. The ‘copter crew reported being shot at.  No arrests were made.

9600 block of South Avenue L: 26 years old man riding in a car somehow shot in the butt.

5200 block of West Washington Boulevard: 33 years old man shot and wounded in the leg.  Police are angry because he won’t “cooperate” with them, as if he’s the suspect!

700 block of North Lavergne Avenue: A man who got into an argument with people in a van was shot and wounded in the neck and back.

2800 block of South Homan Avenue: 35 years old man in critical condition after being shot multiple times.

1800 block of South Allport Street: 31 years old man shot and wounded in the shoulder by a drive by shooter.

4400 block of South Fairfield Avenue: 17 years old boy shot in the ankle by drive by shooter.

Notice that most of the shooting victims are males.

Once again, most shooting victims were not armed. You would think that if this was gang violence there would be gun battles, but until now there were no reports of gun battles. It’s as if the shooters are deliberately targeting unarmed people.

Police continue to insist most of the gun violence is caused by gang bangers, but have made few arrests, yet police spokesman Martin Maloney says the answer is even more anti-gun laws: “…without better state and federal laws to keep guns off the streets and out of the hands of dangerous criminals, we’ll continue to face an uphill battle.”   Hello Maloney! New anti-gun laws would not stop the shootings, because most guns used by gang bangers are already illegal!

I’d like to point out that in every case where a cop shot somebody, the cops claim to be “fearing for their lives”, even though they are the ones chasing their victims down. Sounds like the cops are a bunch of paranoid psychos to me!

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013, calls Chicagoland his homie town

Chicago update 30 June – 04 July 2014