U.S. Civil War: Chicago update 28-30 May 2014, 5 dead 19 wounded! Civilians begging for Martial Law!

Incomplete list.

Chatham:  58 years old teacher with a doctorate, part time real estate agent and sister of a cop, was shot and killed when a stray gang banger bullet went through the wall of the office she was in.

4200 block of South Princeton Avenue: 51 years old man shot and killed.  32 years old man shot and wounded.

5700 block of South La Salle Street: Somebody blasted three men sitting on a porch.  One man was killed, two wounded.

700 block of East 79th Street:  Three people shot.  One woman killed, a man and a woman wounded.

2400 block of East 74th Street: 21 years old man shot multiple times and killed.

1300 block of West 91st Street: Two men shot and wounded while walking.

6000 block of South Francisco Avenue: 20 years old man shot in the abdomen.

7100 block of South Escanaba Avenue:  21 years old man shot in the face while driving.  Amazingly he’s listed as in stable condition.

300 block of North Lockwood Avenue:  24 years old man shot and wounded in the leg by hoodie wearing gunmen.

1600 block of South Avers Avenue: In broad daylight a 20 years old man shot and seriously wounded.  The nearby William Penn Elementary School was locked down.

1700 block of West 81st Street:  22 years old man shot in the foot.

4900 block of West Huron Street:  A 24 years old man shot multiple times, in serious condition.

5400 block of South Wentworth Avenue:  21 years old man shot in the butt and leg.

0-100 block of North Central Avenue: a 20 years old passenger was shot in the face and wounded by somebody driving a red van.  He’s in critical condition.

6300 block of South Wood Street: A man and a woman shot and wounded at a party.

6600 block of South Union Avenue: An NPR reporter witnessed a gang banger shooting as he was interviewing a real estate agent: “He got out the car,  he parked right there and got out and just started shooting.  I actually didn’t even duck because I was just so, I thought it was, like, a movie. Like, I was just so stunned.”-Asiaha Butler, real estate agent

“…a man is standing outside of a car, firing a large semi-automatic rifle at a target around the corner we cannot see. Asiaha pushes the little girl indoors…..The shooter’s target was a van traveling east on 66th Street, not even a half a block away. Police say it was found at a nearby hospital with bullet holes on all four sides……a 28 year old male, was hit, the bullet lodged in his head, behind his ear.”-David Schaper, NPR reporter

Local news reports indicate that many Chicagoans are pissing themselves and demanding police state martial law tactics from the government.  And of course, they’re demanding the government spend even more tax money on creating a huge paramilitary police force to fight the gangs.  How about this, why don’t law abiding citizens get their own guns and start shooting back!  That’s what the 2nd Amendment is all about!  I’ve noticed that in every case of gang banger shootings the reports indicate the victims are not armed!

Police say most of the gun violence is caused by gang bangers. New anti-gun laws would not stop the shootings, because most guns used by gang bangers are already illegal!

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013, calls Chicagoland his homie town

Chicago update 26-27 May 2014