U.S. Civil War 2014: Open carry law splits town, and even North Carolina sheriff’s deputies!

03 April 2014 (08:28 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Jumada t-Tania 1435/14 Farvardin 1393/04 Wu-Chen 4712

The Saint James Town council is split because one of the residents decided to file a complaint while legally wearing a pistol!  It turns out some of the ‘elected’ officials are paranoid bed wetters because they want to ban gun ownership within the Town: “He had a handgun on his belt….was very intimidating. The staff felt very upset and threatened by him.”-Becky Dus, Mayor and probable bed wetter

It is legal to open carry a gun in North Carolina, which is why the man was letting everybody know he was open carrying a gun.  However, the anti-gun freaks took that as a open threat to their lives!

But wait, there’s more!  It turns out that some sheriff’s deputies are unaware that it is legal to open carry a gun.  Robert Jerome, an obviously ignorant Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office volunteer advised the Town council that “They should have phoned the sheriff immediately!”

Another more informed sheriff volunteer corrected Jerome: “If they had called the sheriff’s office because a gun was on this person’s hip, the last time I heard a call like that, they said ‘welcome to North Carolina’.”-Sam Wonsala

Other more stable minded council members stated: “It troubles me that we are taking one instance and reacting to it with an ordinance. Do we really need to do this? Was it really intimidation? We were not there. Someone legally walking in with a handgun is not necessarily threatening.”-Bruce Maxwell, councilman