Martial Law U.S.A. 2014: Arizona cops kill unarmed mentally deranged man at restaurant!

16 April 2014 (20:28 UTC-07 Tango 15 April 2014)/15 Jumada t-Tania 1435/27 Farvardin 1393/17 Wu-Chen 4712

On 13 April 2014, Phoenix cops responded to a call about a deranged man trashing a restaurant.  When it was all done, the unarmed man was dead.

Employees said the man started acting strange, went into the restroom where he caused a flood, then tried to get into the kitchen.  He was stopped by a knife wielding employee.

Cops admit the man seemed to be “experiencing delirium”, so they tazed him, but it didn’t work.  He then attacked the cops.  The fight ended up with a total of four cops pouncing on him, handcuffing him.

They say he then began having “medical distress” and called EMTs, but he died.

Sounds like a guy who’s ODed on psych meds (or failed to take them), or was flippin’ out on evil PCP.  Tazing someone like that only makes the situation worse.  Police need a better way to deal with people “experiencing delirium” because using violence on such people only begets more violence.