Food Crisis: Dumb American industrial farmers still forcing unhealthy anti-biotics into animals! Only making people sicker, is this a False Flag to kill us off?

11 December 2013 (14:30 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Safar 1435/20 Azar 1392/09 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

“Antibiotic use in animals is out of hand! We feed antibiotics to sick animals, which is completely appropriate, but we also put antibiotics in their feed and in their water to help them grow faster and to compensate for unhygienic conditions. If you have to keep the animals healthy with drugs, I would argue you need to re-examine the system.”-Gail Hansen, Pew Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming

Despite decades of studies that show the use of anti-biotics in farm animals is not only bad for their health, but bad for us humans as well, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) reports that farmers are still abusing the use of  anti-biotics on animals!

Overuse of anti-biotics results in stronger germs that can kill us!

The FDA is so upset that it plans to outlaw certain anti-biotics.  This is based on the FDA’s earlier study (released in April) which showed massive drug use on animals we eat: 81% of ground Turkey meat contaminated with anti-biotic resistance bacteria!  69% of pork (Pig) chops contaminated!  55% of ground Cow (beef) meat contaminated!   39% of chicken contaminated!

In 2011, farmers used 29.9 million pounds of anti-biotics on the animals we eat.  Compare that to the 7.7 million pounds of anti-biotics used by humans to fight infections! Why such a disparity, especially when most of those farm animals are not sick?

Hello farmers, what are you doing?!