Martial Law U.S.A.: New federal tax laws now officially Top Secret!

25 July 2013 (16:25 UTC-07 Tango)/17 Ramadan 1434/03 Mordad 1391/18 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

“COMMITTEE CONFIDENTIAL. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION. DO NOT COPY. These materials may not be released to the public from the National Archives or by the Finance Committee prior to December 31, 2064.”-U.S. Senate Finance Committee memo

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee is now classifying any new federal tax codes/reforms for the next 50 years!  This is to satisfy some senators who expressed concern that the citizens of the U.S. would rebel against some of the ‘reforms’, or perhaps assassinate senators, if they knew what those tax reforms entailed.

Also, only 10 senate staffers would be allowed to see the reforms, and only two digital copies will be posted in a password protected server.  Paper copies will be locked up.  All in an effort to keep the names of the senators drafting the reforms secret.

“Plenty of things are classified. But this is different.”-Thomas Mann, congressional scholar