World War 3: North Korean officer reveals they have ballistic missiles with nukes aimed at United States! Tit for tat continues, will it end in nuclear war?

07 March 2013/24 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/17 Esfand 1391

At a rally held in Pyongyang, Korea, a military officer revealed to the crowds that they have inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBM), armed with new smaller nuclear warheads, aimed at the United States.

This comes shortly after the government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said they reserve the right to make preemptive nuclear strikes against the capital cities of their enemies, like the U.S.

That followed the United Nations Security Council passing a new sanctions resolution against the East Asian country.  Also, Australia announced it would not allow Pyongyang to re-open their embassy in Canberra.

And those actions followed a threat from Pyongyang to nullify the armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953.

That threat came because of the announced military war games held by the United States and the Republic of Korea.  Those war games are being conducted now.

This year’s tit for tat can be traced back to the launch of a rocket by Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which was followed by an underground nuclear weapons test.