Evil Elites: Check the facts, fithly rich are NOT the ones creating new jobs!

Right wing pro-unAmerican Corporate America supporters are spouting off that the evil elites are the ones we should thank for job creation.

Fact: According to the Congressional Research Service’s report titled Small Business and the Expiration of the 2001 Tax Rate Reductions: Economic Issues, cutting taxes would have little affect on job creation. Here’s why; business owners already deduct their employees’ wages off their company’s tax filings!

Fact: According to the Congressional Research Service, there is no evidence that tax breaks results in increased investment into businesses!

Fact: Traditionally, in a bad economy the main reason for reduced employment is that business revenues are down, due to reduced spending by consumers.  Reduced revenue means less taxes businesses have to pay anyway (why do you think local governments are going bust?)! Tax breaks to rich business owners do not solve that problem!

Fact: Recently the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities issued a report which showed that tax breaks to rich business owners has a net effect of…nothing!  In the extreme short term jobs might be created, or working hours lengthened, but in the longer run the rich business owners cut back so much they cancel out any employment increases made in the short run!!!

Fact: Studies show that the businesses creating the most new jobs are new small businesses. But the overwhelming majority of filthy rich are not involved in new small businesses, so why give the elites more tax breaks?  According to the U.S. Treasury (Department of the Treasury, Office of Tax Analysis Methodology to Identify Small Businesses and their Owners, Technical Paper 4, August 2011), only 7.6% of elites get their income from small business operations, and only 5.6% of those actually have employees!!!