Tag Archives: mecca

World War 3: bin Laden destroys holy sites at Mecca!

17 March 2013/05 Jumada l-Ula 1434/27 Esfand 1391/06 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Photos taken by Saudi Arabian activists show that the buildings surrounding the Ka’aba are being torn down, specifically those built during Ottoman and Abassid eras.

The demolition is reportedly being performed by the Saudi Binladin Group (a company started by the father of Osama bin Laden). In the past the SBG was involved in restoring holy sites.

It’s also reported that one of the sites razed is the spot where Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim (aka Muhammad) began his night journey to Al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Saudi officials claim the demolition is necessary to make room for the exponentially increasing Muslim pilgrims.  (this might be true as Islam is the fastest growing religion in the World, despite the U.S. led War on Terror)

Critics point out that the Saudi leadership is Wahhabi.  In the past Wahhabist clerics have called for the destruction of Mecca.

In 1979, Wahhabi extremists (who might now be called al-Qaeda) took over Mecca.   Western media ignored it because they were obsessed with the Iranian Revolution.  The Grand Mosque Seizure ended when Saudi troops, and a Pakistani commando unit, took it back by force after two weeks of fighting.  255 people were killed, at least 560 wounded.  The surviving 67 extremists were publicly beheaded.   Iranian officials said the takeover by extremists was backed by the United States.

During the early years of Islam the arrogant elites of Mecca saved their lives by making a deal with Muhammad. They would accept the new religion and throw out the idols if their lives were spared and they were allowed to maintain their control over Mecca.  (you see all these ‘holy sites’ of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and others, are just money making schemes, most being located on important cross roads of the ancient Silk Road)

Do you think Muhammad did the right thing by sparing the elites’ lives?   On one hand I don’t like seeing historical sites destroyed, on the other I don’t like seeing historical sites being turned into money making idols unto themselves by being declared ‘holy’.  (this is the main reason Jesus of Nazareth threw the money changers out of the Temple of David!)