Takes One to Know One: Government anti-terrorism advisor turns out to be a Terrorist?

06 February 2016 (14:28 UTC-07 Tango 01) / 17 Bahman 1394/26 Rabi’a’-Thani 1437/28 Wu Yin 4713

A man who advised several United Kingdom prime ministers, and even George W. Bush, about fighting terrorism has made an elitist list of potential terrorists himself!

Liberal Democrat Maajid Nawaz advised Tony Blair (convicted war criminal), Gordon Brown and the current PM of U.K. David Cameron.  He co-founded a group known as Quilliam Foundation which is supposedly anti-radical Islam, however, Nawaz is himself on the privately managed terrorist watch-list-to-the-elites known as World-Check.

World-Check was started in 1999 (yes, two years before 9-11) by U.K. based news media outlet Thomson Reuters to provide wealthy clients with a ‘risk managment’ tool to identify possible ‘risky’ individuals or organizations.

This revelation was revealed by U.K. internet news source VICE News.  Their investigation actually focused on the perviously secret World-Check list. 

Nawaz even thanked VICE News on his Twitter account for revealing the list with his name on it.  It turns out that in Nawaz’s distant past he was a member of a group that became labeled as a terrorist organization, but he swears he is no longer part of it.

VICE News says World-Check now lists at least 2.7-million terror suspects, and that since 2007 the number of individuals and groups being accused by Thomson Reuters of being terrorists jumped five-fold.

The World-Check list is not just used by the elites and their Too Big to Jail banks, but by your government.  Did you make the list?

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