Martial Law: Uncle Sam knows how many guns you own!

04 December 2015 (12:16 UTC-07 Tango 01)/13 Azar 1394/21 Safar 1437/23 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

U.S. gun owners are constantly told there is no gun registry system in the United States, that’s a lie!  Even The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence bold face lies and states “…federal law prohibits the use of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to create any system of registration of firearms or firearm owners.”

If that’s true then explain the federal ATF National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record, as well as U.S. Census Bureau records of gun ownership! 

CBSNews recently posted an expose on how many guns are owned by U.S. citizens, and they used federal gun registry data!  

At least eight states require gun registry, California being one.  A few states actually ban the registering of guns.  Yet CBSNews has data from every state through the federal government!  The only way this could be is that the federal criminal background check is also being used as a gun registry system, despite what we’re constantly being told.

Gun Ban Reality Check: Assault Rifles already banned in California!