False Flag: FBI profiler calls it “hybrid mass shooting”! Says it’s military mission oriented! No more ‘lone shooters’!

02 December 2015, 19:24 UTC-07 Tango 01 (12 Azar 1394/20 Safar 1437/22 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

“The quality of living in the United States has changed.”-Mary Ellen O’Toole, former FBI profiler

Live CBS news from California interviewed former FBI profiler, Mary Ellen O’Toole, who said mass shootings are rehearsed.  Warns that current mass shootings are new “hybrid” shootings, involving multiple shooters, both male and female, with escape plans.

‘Hybrid’ shooters are “very mission oriented” engaging in military style operations, with intent to kill as many as possible over a long period of time.  O’Toole stresses that these mass shootings are “new” to the United States!

O’Toole admits you cannot “profile” a mass shooter.  Admits FBI stopped using the word profile, years ago, because each mass shooting shows major differences.