False Flag: California cops shoot driver of black GMC Yukon!

02 December 2015 (16:18 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Live helicopter video shows blacked out GMC Yukon and San Bernardino cop car on four lane city street, guns on the ground, both vehicles riddled with bullets, blood on the ground.

Suspect on ground probably dead.  Responding police conducting neighborhood search for other suspects.   Multi-vehicle accident took place before shoot out.  Live reporter says every window on Yukon, except windshield, shot out calling it a “massive shootout”.

Live video also shows cop car filled with bullet holes, radiator fluid pouring from radiator.  Armored vehicles coming in.  Another suspect might be inside Yukon.  Suspect might have been heading to San Bernardino airport.