Martial Law 2014: 2 hour international pillow fight called “violent”! Environmentalists block religious ceremonies!

08 April 2014 (21:17 UTC-07 Tango 09 April 2014)/07 Jumada t-Tania 1435/19 Farvardin 1393/09 Wu-Chen 4712

In Toronto, Canada, a now annual tradition known as the International Pillow fight took place, for two hours.

Police state China news media called it “Probably the most violent event where no one gets hurt”.

And in China, in Nanchang city traditional religious ancestor ceremonies have been halted by Global Warming environmentalist paranoids.  The burning of paper money and use of fireworks has been banned.

To the people who do not respect most Asian ancestor ceremonies, and therefore don’t think it’s any big deal, how would you Christians feel if you were stopped from performing the Mass because it is nothing more than the celebration of now illegal cannibalism!

How would you Jews feel if male circumcision was halted, it’s only the next natural step as female circumcision is now considered torture!

How would Muslims feel if head coverings (scarfs, hats, veils) were made illegal because only terrorists cover their heads, oh wait many Christian countries have already banned Muslims from doing just that!