New Polio hits California? Polio vaccine continues to kill babies in Asia! Connection to U.S. instigated wars? Syrian doctors accuse UN of Polio conspiracy!

24 February 2014 (13:37 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/05 Esfand 1392/25 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

Afghanistan:  Despite the U.S. occupation, which includes pushing vaccines, a three years old girl in Kabul City has polio. However, there’s more to the story.  The girl actually got sick while her family was in Pakistan, which is where a new version of polio (WPV1) has evolved (meaning current vaccinations are probably useless).

European Union:  Officials in Denmark are panicking because of polio outbreaks in U.S. instigated wars.  Those wars are flooding Europe with refugees, and EU officials think they’re bringing polio with them.  Officials are pushing for more vaccinations and testing of sewage: “After the outbreaks in Syria, we have contacted the city councils and asylum centers. We also wrote doctors across the nation to make them aware of the situation.”-Søren Brostrøm, national health agency Sundhedsstyrelsen

India: In Rajasthan’s Itunda village, a nine month old baby died after getting its third round of polio vaccine, as part of a mass government sponsored vaccination program.  Health workers, who gave the vaccine, said the infant died “within minutes” of getting the polio drops.  The villagers forced the government to stop the mandatory vaccination program.  State government  officials swear that “you can’t die from polio vaccine”.  Indian news media said the vaccine was from batch number 221213.  The Indian government now requires travelers to and from Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Syria, to get vaccinated for polio.

Pakistan:  Perhaps because of continued U.S. drone strikes, a new version of polio has surfaced, despite a multi-million dollar Bilderberg sponsored vaccination program (led by Bill Gates). Five new cases in the first month of 2014.  92 cases in 2013.  Back in 2011, I wrote how the UN’s World Health Organization warned about the new “Wild Strain” of polio in Pakistan.  A new version of polio renders useless the current polio vaccine.  Don’t blame anti-U.S. fighters for kids not getting polio vaccines.  A coalition of educators are now joining the anti-vaccine campaign, because they’re afraid of being killed by angry parents!  You see the UNWHO has been pushing polio vaccines in Pakistan since 1978, and yet polio is on the rise.  Maybe that’s the real reason many Pakistanis have lost trust in the international vaccination program.

Somalia: Perhaps as a result of U.S. military meddling in the Horn of Africa, 190 cases reported in 2013, including the new WPV1.

Syria: No thanks to the Obama regime instigated war, there is now an outbreak of polio in Syria.  Specifically the outbreak is in refugee camps. 26 cases since 2013.  The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East used the polio cases to scare Palestinian officials in the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus, to allow 10-thousand polio vaccines to be given to children of Palestinian refugees.  Back at the end of 2013, and what main stream news didn’t report, were accusations that the UNWHO had obstructed testing for polio, and was actually preventing polio inoculations in Syria!  That accusation came from Syrian doctors: “They knew it! We have been warning them for more than a month that polio is spreading, but they refuse to send the vaccine!”-Khalid Milaji, Syrian Polio Control Task Force

By the way, prior to the U.S. instigated war there had been no polio cases for at least 14 years.

United States: In California there are now 25 cases of a “polio like” illness in children. Five children are paralyzed.  All five had the polio vaccine!  The virus is being called enterovirus-68 (possibly a type of rhinovirus).  The virus first showed up in California in 1962.  I’ve noticed that some dumb main stream news reports say it is “associated with polio like symptoms”, yet all the scientific research I looked at made no mention of polio like symptoms, calling enterovirus-68 a respiratory illness. So is this a case of the polio vaccine gone bad, and the government is trying to cover it up?  More likely it is the main streamer reporters’ misunderstanding of what a Stanford University doctor meant when he said all viruses can potentially cause paralyzation: “….other viruses can also injure the spine, leading to a polio-like syndrome.”-Keith Van Haren

Have you ever noticed that pro-vaccination campaigns use slogans like “Eradicate Polio Now!”?  Here’s reality, you can’t eradicate a virus, it’s ever evolving!  Now realize that rich elites are actually donating hundreds of millions of their money to support vaccination programs like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s (Bilderberger) global vaccine programs.  In 2013 it was revealed that the Gates Foundation’s polio vaccine program actually caused paralysis: “In 2011 there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP [non-polio acute flaccid paralysis]. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated. The authors suggest that the huge bill of US$ 8 billion spent on the programme, is a small sum to pay if the world learns to be wary of such vertical programmes in the future.”-Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on.

Now realize that out of California there are reports saying that more and more upper class, highly educated people are refusing to get vaccinated! Mmmm….