Obama regime incompetence as 1800+ U.S. vets see their records destroyed!

05 February 2014 (09:10 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/16 Bahman 1392/06 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

A criminal court case has revealed the destruction or loss of at least 1800 U.S. military personnel records at the National Personnel Records Center in Missouri.

It’s being blamed on two employees, who pled guilty to destruction of government records.  For some odd reason one of the employees admitted he took at least 1-thousand records home, to get rid of them!  An investigation revealed this is actually common place!

Apparently employees of the National Personnel Records Center feel overwhelmed by all the paperwork.

The investigators call the practice of losing personnel records “errors”.  They found that most National Personnel Records Center employees have an error rate of 3%, that means there are many more missing records than the 1800 attributed to the two employees who fessed up.

By the way, the scandal was uncovered when some military personnel records, with 300 Social Security Numbers, were discovered in a forest back in 2012!