More Fukushima Fallout: Scientific testing shows fish contaminated! U.S. news media claims testing unscientific? California scientists conduct Kelp Watch 2014!

14 January 2014 (23:31 UTC-07 Tango 13 January 2013)/12 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/24 Dey 1392/14 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The exalted Los Angeles Times is poo-pooing any scientific claims that radioactive contamination is indeed spreading across the World, saying “If you’re looking for honest, factual information on the effect of the Fukushima reactor spill, there are a couple of very good, reliable sources to check. I’ve found Deep Sea News to be very good. And of course the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute is authoritative….”-Russ Parsons

If you’ve read my past Fukushima updates you should have noticed that I’ve quoted researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute that say this Fukushima thing is bad, bad, bad!

But wait, here’s some latest scientific results that say don’t eat the fish!

Japan’s Fisheries Research Agency just announced that a black sea bream caught 37 kilometers (23 miles) south of Fukushima Daiichi, contained 12400 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium!  That’s 124 times more than what the Japanese government (in all their lack of wisdom) has deemed to be safe to eat!  So LA Times, is Japan’s Fisheries Research Agency full of shit or what?

By the way, the fish was caught back on 17 November 2013, and Tokyo Electric Power Company has admitted that radiation levels pouring out of the GE designed disaster reactors has increased since then.

Hey LA Times, here’s some more “authoritative” scientific statements from an actual scientist: “We’ve already seen some effects in infant mortality and thyroid cancer in Japan. So I think this is just going to get worse. I think we are going to see a major effect on the general health of the Japanese population in Northern Japan. There’s going to be a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the death rate.”-Chris Busby, Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk and U.K. Department of Health Committee Examining Radiation Risk for Internal Emitters (CERRIE)

But just because Busby is not ‘main stream’ you probably don’t consider him “authoritative”!

And hey LA Times, are you saying all those U.S. military personnel who served in Operation Tomodachi and are now suffering from radiation poisoning, are full of shit?

There are now 70 current and former U.S. military personnel taking part in a class action lawsuit because of radiation contamination from Fukushima Daiichi.  Apparently the USN has refused to monitor the health of those who took part in Op Tomodachi, so the individuals suffering from symptoms that look a lot like radiation poisoning had to get outside medical help!  Some military personnel are now wheelchair bound!

The lawsuit also revealed that TEPCo maintains an office in Washington DC! Why for is TEPCo maintaining an office in Washington DC?  Why to beggar the U.S. taxpayers for funding!  Now you know another of the many reasons the U.S. government is involved with TEPCo.

Now comes scientist right there in California.  Despite what writers for the LA Times are promulgating, California State University Long Beach is monitoring radiation levels in the kelp forests along the California coastline.  It’s called Kelp Watch 2014: “It is imperative that we monitor this coastal forest for any radioactive contaminants that will be arriving this year in the ocean currents from the Fukushima disaster.”-Steven L. Manley, biology professor

“Authoritative” officials have revealed that radioactive iodine has been detected in kelp along the coastline of Orange County.

It’s that detection that has launched operation Kelp Watch 2014 (which starts in February).  It involves 19 governmental and academic groups, as well as three private sector groups.  Hows that for “authoritative” mister LA Times?

Now I must confess, Russ Parsons, of the LA Times, was actually talking about all those social media postings of giant squids and what nots showing up on beaches.  But in a way he was also downplaying the severity of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, as is most of the U.S. main streamer news media.