World War 3, Economic Front: U.S. job losses & store closings 02-03 March 2013. More proof God can’t stop the economic crash!

Snuffer’s Restaurant bankrupt in Texas.  Company officials blame mounting debt financing due to the bad economy.  The company was founded in 1978.

California’s Vallejo School Board considering laying off 46 employees.  They already laid off 115 employees last year!  They blame funding cuts.  Also, Corinthian Colleges shutting down its WyoTech, West Sacramento campus.  The automotive tech education center is being sold.

In Illinois, after 51 years of education Chicago Height’s Saint Kieran Christian school shutting down. It’s one of five schools in the Archdiocese of Chicago closing due to millions of dollars in budget cuts, and a drastic decline in enrollment.  Many families reporting that they can’t afford the $4000 to $5000 tuition (gee, god can’t help out?). The other schools being closed are Saint Gregory the Great High School, Saint Bernardine Elementary School, Saint Helena of the Cross Elementary School and Saint Paul-Our Lady of Vilna Elementary School.

New Jersey’s Newark Public Schools laid off 129 employees!  School officials said they were way overstaffed, unions are crying foul.

In Virginia, Alleghany County School Board closing two elementary schools. Officials blamed a 25% drop in enrollment and a $1.5 million USD shortfall.

In Minnesota, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis laid off eight people.  The layoffs are blamed on a half million dollars budget shortfall.

In Pennsylvania, in Wayne the Cream & Sugar coffee shop closed down.  Death in the family being blamed.  In Lancaster, the Weis Markets grocery store shut down. 45 employees affected.  Officials said the store was no longer “economically feasible.”

In Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the Margaux restaurant shut down without explanation.

Wicked Gelato in Farmington, Maine, closed.  The owner no longer has the time, now that she’s going to school to become a nurse.

After 40 years, the Ali Baba Time Out Deli closed in Knoxville, Tennessee.   The 69 years old owner said businesses is good, but he wants to retire.  Apparently nobody wants to take over the successful eatery.

In Moultrie, Georgia, Dalton’s Chicken closed down.  The Dalton family has been running successful restaurants for more than 50 years, and they say it’s time to retire.  Just like above, nobody wanted to take over?