World War 3: Anti-Islam movie producer wanted for probation violation! Instead of removing video from internet YouTube tries to block viewers from the Middle East! U.S. becoming isolated!

“This video — which is widely available on the web — is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube. However, given the very difficult situation in Libya and Egypt we have temporarily restricted access in both countries.”-Google statement

14 September 2012, reports had said the Obama administration was asking YouTube to remove the preview of the anti-Islam movie.  Instead YouTube (owned by Google) simply blocked viewers from predominately Muslim countries.

In fact YouTube must be suspected of allowing the video to be posted knowing full well it would spark world wide riots. The reason to suspect such a claim is that YouTube began blocking Middle Easterners from viewing the video within a few hours of the assassination of the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

More info about the con man who made the movie.  Nakoula Basseley Nakoula served one year in Federal prison near Lompoc (pronounced lom-poke), California.  He is now serving a five year probation, which he is now in violation of since going into hiding.  Federal officials were not able to tell reporters if Nakoula paid the court ordered $794,700 restitution, as part of his bank fraud conviction.

In Egypt, 10,000 protestors are demanding their new government end relations with the United States.  Egyptian police erected concrete walls around the U.S. embassy.

Tens of thousands of Iranians took to the streets protesting the United States and Israel. They also asked all Muslim nations to become united against the empirical West.

In the Indian controlled portion of Kashmir, thousands of protestors warned that any U.S. citizens in the country needed to leave now.

In Bahrain, a U.S. puppet and home of the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, the government did not call out police to stop the protestors.  Protests were peaceful, the government asked its security agency to block internet access to the movie.

In Afghanistan, protestors demanded President Hamid Karzai end relations with the United States.  The government has banned YouTube.

In Iraq, thousands of Sunni and Shi’a took to the streets.  One banner said “Freedom doesn’t mean offending two billion Muslims!”

In Nigeria, protestors clashed with police, and chanted “To Hell With America, To Hell With Israel!”

In Pakistan, police barricaded the U.S. embassy, in an attempt to protect it.

In Syria, protestors said “He who curses the Prophet doesn’t seek democracy!”

In Qatar, a thousand protestors called for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from their small country.  Police have barricaded the U.S. embassy.

In United Kingdom, hundreds of people protested at the U.S. embassy.

Hundreds of people began protesting in Turkey.

In Palestinian territories (which are really Israeli run death camps on massive scale) hundreds of people began protesting.

Hundreds of protestors surround the U.S. embassy in Indonesia.  The government is trying to block internet access to the movie.  They have barricaded the U.S. embassy.

Protests are beginning in Malaysia, Bangladesh and Mauritania.

France and Austria have issued warnings to U.S. citizens. They believe large scale protests will spread through Europe, and turn violent, especially against U.S. citizens.

Since 11 September, the U.S. Department of State has issued warnings to 65 embassies and consulates.

U.S. political leaders have been demanding foreign governments protect U.S. embassies, but the image of dozens of embassies being barricaded is metaphorical for the United States becoming isolated from the World!