What Economic Recovery? Obama praises auto industry bailout, yet they’re to blame for latest layoffs! By the thousands, young adults quit looking for work!

“…there were 884,000 discouraged workers in August…..Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them.”-Employment Situation Summary, U.S. DoL Bureau of Labor Statistics

“I don’t think they’re more lazy. It’s that there are less opportunities for them. They have it rough.”-Heidi Shierholz, Economic Policy Institute

07 September 2012, the expected 120,000 new jobs never happened (Once again the “experts” got it wrong).  According to the U.S. Department of Labor (DoL), the official number of new jobs was only 96,000!

7,000 government jobs were lost in August, but the amazing thing is that the bailed out, and supposedly recovered, auto industry (Including parts makers) laid off 8,000 people!  That’s according to the DoL’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In fact most of the job losses were in the Manufacturing Sector (A total of 15,000 jobs lost), the very sector that President Obama was touting during his DNC speech the night before the jobs numbers were released.

Another interesting note; the official unemployment numbers fell, ever so slightly, to 8.1% (A 0.2% drop from the month before, big freakin’ whoop! By the way, it depends on which Table your looking at.  Table A-14 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics says the rate is 8.2%, and for July it was 8.6%).  But here’s the significant part; DoL admits the unemployment drop is not because people found work, it’s because tens of thousands of young adults quit looking for a job!

People who do not look for work for 4 weeks are not counted in the unemployment numbers.