Corporate Incompetence: Highest INDOOR radiation levels found in Reactor 1 building!

On 01 August 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Company revealed that a venting pipe coming off Fukushima Daiichi’s Reactor 1, was emitting 10 sieverts per hour of radiation.  According to government officials that can kill you in one to two weeks, after one hour of exposure!

Now TEPCo says they’ve conducted radiation checks inside Reactor 1 building, and bingo…5,000 millisieverts (5 sieverts) per hour, the highest indoor reading yet!

The readings were taken on the second floor of the reactor building.  TEPCo has ordered the area blocked off.  They say the high radiation readings in that area are because the venting pipe, that’s emitting 10 sieverts per hour, runs through that room.