Radioactive Pit in worse condition than first reported, concrete not working!

Once again, Tokyo Electric Power Company downplayed how bad the situation is. A crack in a large pit, at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, is much worse than first reported. TEPCo said they could stop leaking radioactive water by using concrete on the crack.

The crack is very large, and the water isn’t just ‘leaking’, it’s pouring into the Pacific Ocean. The concrete is not solidifying because of the huge amount of water flowing into the pit.  Remember, each reactor holds hundreds of tons of water.

The pit is connected to Reactor 2 turbine room via a trench.  It has become clear that most of the water that’s been pumped, and sprayed, into the reactors over the last few weeks, is just running out the bottom of the structures, into their basements and into their turbine/cooling buildings.  Now, it’s known that the highly contaminated water is pouring into the Pacific Ocean.

TEPCo officials say they will try using a polymer to seal the large crack in reactor 2’s pit.