Fukushima “…more important than the Libya no fly zone.”, could take “years” to control!

“I think maybe the situation is much more serious than we were led to believe. This is far beyond what one nation can handle – it needs to be bumped up to the UN Security Council. In my humble opinion, this is more important than the Libya no fly zone.” -Meshkati Najmedin, of the University of Southern California

Meshkati is correct! Tokyo Electric Power Company now says they can not resume attempts to cool the reactors, due to “…high radiation density..”.

“Regrettably, we don’t have a concrete schedule at the moment to enable us to say in how many months or years (the crisis will be over).”-Muto Sakae, TEPCo vice-president

What’s the problem now? The reactor cores are leaking, the water is deadly radioactive, no one can work around the reactors. TEPCo officials thought they could pump the deadly water into the condenser units, but guess what? They’re already full of water!  They can’t just dump the deadly water because it’s so deadly. That’s why they were hoping to pump it into the condenser units. I guess they forgot they in use before the 11 March 2011 disaster.  Now they want to try to dump the water already in the condensers and then pump the deadly water into the condensers.  But this is now a race against time.  The longer this takes the more contamination, including plutonium, is spread, through the air and water. Also, this could lead to full melt down of three reactors, worse than Chernobyl.

Guess what long term solution is being proposed? Dump sand and concrete on the SOB! And that’s a long term solution.