Tag Archives: pan am

Government Evil: New evidence suggests Libya not involved with Pan Am Lockerbie bombing! Gaddafi was innocent?

“It is now absolutely clear this fragment was not from a timer we delivered to Libya. We told the police in 1999 this was the case but they would not believe us. We lost our company and had to pay a big damages claim.”-Edwin Bollier, former boss of Swiss company Mebo

In 1988, Pan American flight 103 went down over Lockerbie, Scotland, after an explosion.  Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi was blamed for ordering the bombing.

The blame was based on ‘evidence’ from a timer used on the bomb.  Now the Scottish media reporting that new evidence says otherwise!

During the Lockerbie trials, prosecutors claimed the flight 103 bomb used a MST-13 timer, made by a Swiss company called Mebo.  The prosecutors produced documents that showed that Libya bought 20 of the timers.  The Swiss company Mebo went bust as a result of the trial.

Now, almost 24 years later, the former owner of Mebo, Edwin Bollier, says that since at least 1999 there’s been evidence that the timer used in the flight 103 bombing was not one of Mebo’s.

Not only does the evidence open the doors for Bollier to sue the British government, but it casts doubt on the prosecution’s claim that Libya was behind the bombing.

In fact the author, John Ashton, who wrote the biography on the Libyan who was convicted of the bombing (Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi), said the timer could not have been made by Mebo, because of the way it was constructed.

Regarding Megrahi; he never took the witness stand during the trial, and the British government allowed him to come to the U.K. without a passport or other documents.  John Ashton based his book on the never been published 800 page Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission report.  Ashton got the report after years of legal wrangling.

It looks like another case of the U.S. and U.K. setting events up to justify international murder (war)!