Tag Archives: lgbt

What’s in a Prophecy? Mabus names warship after homosexual leader who lied!

08 August 2016 (01:24 UTC-07 Tango 01) 18 Mordad 1395/04 Dhu I-Qa’da 1437/06 Bing-Shen 4714

For the first time in history a U.S. Navy ship has been knowingly named after a homesexual leader!

U.S. Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, broke with tradition (as he always does) and named a new ship after Harvey Milk.  What really makes this insulting is not that Milk was an assasinated homosexual politician, but that Milk lied about his time in the USN! According to one biography of the San Francisco politician, he lied about his USN service specifically to win votes!  The Washington Times says the U.S. Navy, itself, has yet to confirm which ship Milk served on and what his actual rank was!   

In 2015 I wrote how Nostradamus predicted that a man named Mabus would piss-off a lot a people and get assasinated. The assasination would be used as an excuse for the final war between civilized (which literally means ‘money loving’) nations (MABUS USHERS IN THE NEXT ANTI-CHRIST, MABUS WORKS FOR THE U.S. NAVY)

“We view our relationship with the Japanese navy as one of absolute equals.”-Ray Mabus, U.S. Secretary of the Navy