Tag Archives: brzezinski

World War 3: U.S. civilian doctors about to head to Afghanistan, to help Afghans devastated by 30+ years of U.S. inspired war!

“I expect to see very extensive injuries. I expect to see burn injuries, burn injuries that have gone on to heal inappropriately.”-Louis Riima, Nassau County Burn Unit

Doctors in New York are joining a mission to help Afghans who’ve been horribly wounded, no thanks to the 10 plus years of occupation by the United States (and more than 30 years of war instigated by the U.S.).

The mission is headed by a group called Mission: Restore.

“Afghanistan is a country of 29 million people with over 30 years of continuous war and devastation.  Of those 29 million, there are only 2 self-trained plastic surgeons who are practicing in the capital of Kabul.  Afghanistan ranks as the least developed country in the eastern hemisphere and in need of serious infrastructure and health service development.”-Mission: Restore

Keep in mind that the 30 plus years of “war and devastation” is the fault of the United States.  Former U.S. National Security Advisor, and Trilateral Commission co-founder, Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, admitted that it was U.S. foreign policy that got the Soviet Union to invade in 1979!