Tag Archives: bi-polar

False Flag Bio-War? Mystery deaths called “coincidence”, yet infections increasing! Getting sick (or vaccinated?) while pregnant will cause mental problems for the baby!

23 May 2013 (13:55 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Rajab 1434/02 Khordad 1392/14 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“At this time, there is no epidemiological link between these patients.”-Alabama Department of Health statement

The mystery illness in Alabama is more mysterious after health officials stated that the age of the people infected range from 20s to 80s, and has now infected a total of ten people: “Since we sent out the alert to providers last night, we have had three additional patients/cases. These patients all have the same symptoms of cough, shortness of breath and ‘something’ on their chest….”-Mary McIntyre, Alabama Department of Public Health

Also, the patients have other health problems, which complicate the diagnostics.

Health officials think this is just a bunch of cases of common colds or flus (first off the term ‘cold’ refers to many different viruses, and second flus have proven not to be ‘common’), and they don’t think this is caused by a “…new or unexpected virus…”

In a study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, historical researchers have found a link between influenza infections in pregnant woman and a nearly four-fold increase in cases of bi-polar disorders in their children.

The study isn’t new, but the release of the data is.  Researchers reviewed a ten year study done by Kaiser Permanente insurance, conducted from 1956-66.  It involves just over 19000 people in California.

Reports are suggesting this study is proof that people should get vaccinated.  A very small percentage of the study group got vaccinated.

However, another study concluded that a fetus can not identify viruses.  Remember that vaccines are viruses, grown in a controlled environment.  If a fetus can not recognize viral RNA, wouldn’t that apply to RNA viruses in vaccines?

Flus are RNA viruses (as are norovirus, MERS, SARS, SFTS),  and it has already been established that vaccines don’t work well on RNA viruses!  (as opposed to DNA viruses)

Previous studies have already linked schizophrenia to influenza viruses.  Is there a correlation between increased human brain function problems and the increased use of flu vaccines?