Tag Archives: 91

Dumb ‘Mericans: South East Idaho’s School District 25 “flagged” for “suspicious” test scores, again!

In an independent investigation into public school federal test scores, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution found the Southeastern Idaho School District 25 had suspicious test scores three years in a row.

The Pocatello/Chubbuck/Bannock County school district was “flagged” because it had test results that varied from year to year “outside the norm”.

A normal variance is considered 5% from year to year.

In 2008 there was a 13.1% variance.  In 2009 it was 8.54% variance.  In 2010 it jumped to 14.29% variance in test scores from the previous year!

Compare School District 25’s test score variance to Eastern Idaho’s School District 91 (aka Idaho Falls district): 2008; 1.28%. 2009; 6.41%. 2010; 6.41%.  Much closer to the 5% “normal” variance.

Researchers say if education is consistent, and the children taking the tests are answering the questions from their own knowledge, then there shouldn’t be such high shifts in Idaho School District 25’s test scores from year to year.