“This is not a request, it’s a demand!”: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 19-25 January 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, days of 19 to 25 of Gregorian January 2020.


Lawyers accuse government of not complying with a federal court order that protects mentally disabled immigrants in California, Arizona and Washington.



ALASKA: Idaho man fined, banned for guiding illegal Alaska hunts


ALABAMA: The refugee question in Alabama

ARIZONA: Murder convictions upheld for 2 men in border agent’s death

Deadly Vaping oils flooding across border: ‘Everyone should be concerned’

Replacing older sections of the Tucson 1 border wall (from before President Trump’s time) near Ajo, 20JAN2020.

ARKANSAS: Three law enforcement agencies participate in 287(g) program.

CALIFORNIA: Los Angeles bans for-profit privately run immigrant ‘service centers’. 



U.S. Customs and Border Protection capture a U.S. citizen whose truck’s gas tank was filled with liquid meth from Mexico. 

Hi-tech data company Palantir admits it actively searches for illegal immigrants for ICE

COLORADO:  Updated overtime protections will expand to more workers 

Colorado is losing about 2-thousand jobs due to industry shutdowns, politician Matt Soper is now begging farmers to stop hiring migrants and hire citizens, saying “at least give them a shot”!

CONNECTICUT:  Record number of illegal immigrant children arriving by themselves

FLORIDA:  ICE captures four of 12 of the illegals who washed ashore at Palm Beach

U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Air and Marine Operations partners with Miami-Dade Police Department for security ops for Super Bowl LIV in Miami, Florida.

U.S. Customs & Border Protection reveal taxpayer sucking technology used to keep Super Bowl safe

GEORGIA: Former cop threatens illegal immigrant after car accident

GUAM: The island territory is apparently having trouble with migrants from Micronesia

IDAHO:  Canyon County reimbursed for more than U.S.$43-thousand spent holding illegal migrants in jail

ILLINOIS: Hundreds of non-citizens registered to vote due to technical glitch

MAINE:  Customs and Border Protection Officer sentenced to prison for possessing child porn

MARYLAND: Illegal immigrant captured with child porn

MASSACHUSETTSIranian student deported from Boston by Customs and Border Protection despite court order

MINNESOTA:  More proof unchecked immigration is not about providing migrants a better life; now shuttered mom-n-pop drywall company owes money to dozens of illegal workers: “I’ve done other work comp fraud cases but not of this magnitude. It cheats the workers from the health care insurance they’re entitled to; second, it cheats the insurance company who is supposed to provide the coverage; and third, it cheats the companies that compete with a fraudulent corporation.”-Mike Freeman, Hennepin County Attorney

NEVADA: ICE prison guard fired for speaking his mind

NEW MEXICO: The town of Chaparral is mostly illegal immigrants, the main employer in the area is a for-profit privately run ICE prison

NEW YORK:  ICE subpoenas the city of New York: “This is not a request, it’s a demand….   …Dangerous criminals are being released every single day in New York.”-Henry Lucero, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

  ICE issues list of ‘fugitive’ illegals freed by New York City’s sanctuary city policies

A convicted felon from Kentucky, with a gun in his truck-trailer, takes wrong turn while driving through New York, ends up in Canada where the Canadian border guards allow him to turn around without checking his truck-trailer, tries to get back into the U.S. but his truck-trailer was searched because he didn’t have a passport and he was arrested for illegal possession of a gun.

Interesting that Puerto Ricans have been citizens of the U.S. since 1917, yet in The Big Apple they are still considered immigrants, even by the politicians who represent them, and the local news media!

And even more interesting, the Puerto Ricans living in The Big Apple have avoided taking part in the U.S. Census, even though since 1917 they’re considered citizens!

OHIO:  U.S. Customs and Border Protection agriculture specialists at the Port of Cincinnati intercepted 51 shipments of invasive mitten crabs

OREGON: In immigrant loving state migrant students struggle to graduate from local high schools

PENNSYLVANIA: ICE deports convicted gun runner from Kazakhstan

TENNESSEE: Illegal immigrant teenager charged with kidnapping 

TEXAS: Mexican murder suspect arrested while trying to enter the United States

16 pregnant illegals captured by ICE

U.S. citizen is building his own version of the border wall

U.S. Customs and Border Protection arrested a man at the Anzalduas International Bridge with $229,000 worth of alleged cocaine 

UTAH:  Supposedly there’s such a labor shortage in Salt Lake City that even illegal workers are getting paid $15 per hour to start!

VERMONT:  Middlebury College pledges to help illegal dairy farm workers

Washington DC: Trump immigration policies showing results, with illegal border crossings plummeting