More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: Tactical nuke threatens Texas? “God made” rad leak in New Mexico city? Fire threatens New Mexico & Chernobyl! Radiation spikes in areas previously “decontaminated” in Japan! False Flag scare in New York?

21 March 2014 (10:25 UTC-07 Tango)/19 Jumada l-Ula 1435/01 Farvardin 1393/21 Ding-Mao 4712

There is a mystery cloud of radiation traveling across New Mexico.  It was spotted by weather radar.  Reports in the British empire news media say the U.S. National Weather Service in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, have confirmed it.

On 18 March local New Mexican news sources reported a huge increase in airborne radiation in the city of Carlsbad.  The city is located near the U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  Six of seven air sampling rad monitoring stations indicated higher rad levels than in February.  Department of Energy officials say the levels are of no concern, and they swear the radiation in the city is not coming from the damaged WIPP.  It’s being blamed on “god made stuff”.

Four more WIPP workers found contaminated with radiation, so far 17 employees have been contaminated.

On 11 March, the Associated Press reported a second rad leak at WIPP.   Detectors at the WIPP site picked up airborne radiation that engineers believe is coming from WIPP’s exhaust ducts.  They admitted that “occasional” low level radiation leaks are actually expected at WIPP.

There are unconfirmed rumors circulating that WIPP radiation has reached West Texas.  Those rumors are getting help by the fact that the first emergency preparedness 10 kiloton nuke explosion exercise in the U.S. just took place in El Paso.

Speaking of Texas: Despite repeatedly stating that the WIPP nuke leaks are of no danger, the U.S. Department of Energy is re-directing nuclear weapons waste from Los Alamos, New Mexico, to Andrews, Texas.   WIPP does not store nuclear waste from non-weapons programs, just the waste from the manufacture of military nukes.  The recent supposedly non-threatening radiation leaks from WIPP has resulted in a halt to further weapons waste storage in that location.

What has also been revealed is that there is a rush to get rid of the nuke weapons grade waste at Los Alamos: “Removing waste from the mesa in Los Alamos before fire season is critical to ensure safety in the greater Los Alamos community.  The state’s June 2014 deadline was firm and nonnegotiable, as I made clear in repeated conversations with Energy Secretary Moniz since the February 14 accident at WIPP.”-Tom Udal, Senator from New Mexico

Speaking of wildfire: A new study shows Chernobyl, Ukraine, is under massive fire threat because of the radiation contamination since 1986!  It turns out that long term low level radiation exposure increases plant growth and reduces the decomposition of dead plants.

Recently scientist realized they were walking on dead trees, killed by the initial blast back in 1986, and they were not decomposing!  They’ve theorized that the radiation has killed off the microbes responsible for decomposition.  The result is that the Red Forrest surrounding Chernobyl is now a giant fire trap.

In Mattituck, New York, rumors of a radiation spike caused a stir.  The rumors were blamed on privately funded  Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center, which denied they issued such a statement.  If you check their rad map of the U.S. you’ll see there is no indication of a radiation spike in that area.  However, the main streamer news media blames them because the Turner Radio Network cited the NETC in its detailed report about the spike.  Even though NETC denied they issued the alert, the U.S. EPA revealed how pig headed it is by giving the following reason for not believing the report: “It is not a government source.”

But wait, the plot thickens.  It turns out that the ‘owner’ of Turner Radio Network (Hal Turner) under court order “divested himself of ownership and control” of the radio station’s website in 2010!  So who’s running the website that wrote the story?

In Japan it’s been revealed that villagers and city dwellers living near the melting down Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant are reporting that their own radiation tests show that so called “decontaminated” areas are spiking with radiation!   Japan’s Ministry of the Environment has poo-pooed the people’s claims, but has agreed to do their own radiation monitoring  and if they find similar results they will consider a second decontamination.

The highly fragile experimental water filtration system at Fukushima Daiichi has failed again.  This time the system turned itself off.  This is because radiation filters were failing to filter out isotopes.  It seems the Advanced Liquid Processing System hasn’t been able to operate for one or two months without being shut down, mainly for leaks.  Inspections conducted after this latest shutdown revealed more leaks.  ALPS is now indefinitely shutdown  as Tokyo Electric Power Company tries to figure out why the filters stopped working, and why the system continues to suffer major leaks.

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority has criticized TEPCo officials for not focusing on the crisis at Fukushima Daiichi, they even accused TEPCo of being more concerned about money than about stopping the ongoing disaster.  TEPCo officials told Japanese news media, after the scolding, that they are not focused on money, but did admit they’ve been slow to react to the situation.

“The damage caused by radiation is twofold:  direct damage leading to illness, death or reduced life expectancy, and genetic effects.”-Henry Kissinger, 1957, Bildeberger, zionist and former U.S. Secretary of State