World War 3, Economic Front: Billion $ housing deal implodes! California creates new China agency! Wisconsin muscles in!

16 April 2013 (12:18 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Jumada t-Tania 1434/27 Farvardin 1391/07 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“We have much to contribute to China, including banking, high-tech, environmental products, and we have much to collaborate on with China in another way, as China is developing rapidly with a great amount of capital available.”-Jerry Brown, Governor of California

Recently California became the U.S. state with the biggest economic trade deals involving China.  Governor Jerry Brown has decided that trade with China is now so important, that he’s spending tax money (supposedly it’s partially funded with private money as well) to open a California ’embassy’ in Shanghai!

It’s not the first time for the California-China Office of Trade and Investment in Shanghai.  The office was closed down ten years ago.  Governor Brown and his wife were at the re-opening ceremony, apparently not concerned about the deadly H7N9 spreading throughout Shanghai.

California’s bid to get some-o-that China cash might be a disaster, as Governor Brown is promoting the very industries that are failing miserably: “I want to promote climate-change technologies, renewable energy, building and plants efficiency, low-carbon fuel from California to China with more collaborations in the future.”

Ah well, there’s already been a major implosion for one China-California deal.  The $1.7 billion USD Hunters Point housing construction deal in San Francisco, involving a major California contractor and two Chinese companies, crashed and burned today.  There were various reasons for the implosion, from disagreements between Chinese and Californian contractors, to the fact that the former U.S. Navy property has been found to be contaminated with radioactive cesium 137!

In muscles Wisconsin’s evil Right to Work You Over Governor Scott Walker.  He’s in Beijing trying to strike Chinese gold as well, and he’s not worried about H7N9 either.  His first big success is winning a $200 million deal for ginseng.  No he’s not buying ginseng from China, he’s selling Wisconsin grown ginseng to China!