World War 3: Dozens of U.S. allies in War on Terror say they will vote for Palestine!

“We obviously disagree with our oldest ally [France] on this issue. They know that we disagree with them.”-Victoria Nuland, U.S. State Department spokeswoman

28 November 2012, dozens of allies of the United States, such as France and Denmark, say they will vote against the wishes of the U.S. and Israel, and vote for Palestine!

The United Nations General Assembly will vote on granting Palestine non-member status, a way of recognizing Palestine as an official state: “It is of a magnitude of a historic level and I am sure that many other European countries will follow the example of France and we thank them in advance for being on the side of history and the side of humanity.”-Riyad Mansour, Palestinian envoy

French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, also revealed that five of the permanent members of the UN Security Council will vote in favor of Palestine. Austrian officials said more than half the 27 members of the European Union will vote for Palestine.

“You know that for years and years, France’s consistent position has been the recognition of the Palestinian state. That is why when the question is raised on Thursday and Friday, France will respond with a ‘yes’!”-Laurent Fabius

This shows the United States, being one of the permanent UNSC members, has lost its influence on the international political scene.