People of the United States finally realizing that working hard does not improve your life, it only improves the life of the Man!

“The U.S. ranks outside of the top ten for the first time (down to 12th), pulled down primarily by a decline in the Entrepreneurship & Opportunity sub-index. This fall is driven by a decline in the number of U.S. citizens who
believe that hard work will get them ahead……”-2012 Legatum Prosperity Index

According to a recent study by the Legatum Institute, fewer and fewer U.S. citizens believe that hard work pays off.

I can attest to that, after three decades of busting my ass, doing my best, and I have almost nothing to show for it (I am still better off than those who’ve ended up on the streets).

I’ve been praised by employers for my attention to detail, organizing and people management skills. Yet when it came to getting a significant raise or promotion, forget it! I got zip, nada!

I’ve worked positions that required four year college degrees, only to be replaced with a college graduate, then ordered to train them!!!  I finally got a four year college degree, but now (that plus my 30 years work experience) I’m “overqualified” (and I still have to somehow pay for the student loans).

What I’ve learned working for unAmerican Corporate America, is that when it comes down to the bottom line (meaning the execs and shareholders are facing a loss of dividends or bonuses) it doesn’t matter how hard you worked for the company (or even if you can prove you’re making money for the company as happened to me in several cases), if they decide it’s time for you to go, you’re gone!