Presidential emergency declarations made BEFORE hurricane Sandy hit the U.S.? Just because you live outside the hurricane zone doesn’t mean your state isn’t under a federal disaster declaration.

A Los Angeles Times article points out that the emergency declarations made by President Barack Obama, regarding New York and New Jersey (due to hurricane Sandy), were made without truly assessing the situation.

You can go to the FEMA website, and check out the disaster declarations.

Also, FEMA has a map which shows that at least 27 states are currently under some kind of Active Disaster declaration. Some of those involve flooding, some wildfires, some tornadoes.

States currently on the Active Disaster list: Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia,  Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia (aka Washington DC).