World War 3: U.S. puppet Arab League throws its support behind Free Syrian Army, calling for new Syrian govenment. Remember what happened in Libya? UN to be involved this time!

“We call on the opposition and the Free Syrian Army to form a government of national unity.”-Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Prime Minister of Qatar

23 July 2012, the elitist Arab League has come out in full support of the Free Syrian Army, which is proof their so called observer missions to Syria were shams!

The Arab League has also pledged $100 million USD for refugees fleeing the war in Syria.  They also claim that defeating the Syrian government will end the killings. Yeah right! Look what happened to Libya, where the Arab League promised the same things!

One difference, this time the Arab League is asking the United Nations to get involved with creating and imposing any new Syrian government!