Corporate Evil: More proof the Too Big to Fail Banks mortgage forclosures are intentional, Bank president pleads guilty in court

April 9, 2012, Gerard Canino, president of New York’s First Class Equities, pled guilty to $66 million USD mortgage fraud scheme.

“As the president and owner of First Class Equities, Gerard Canino should have promoted responsible home ownership and protected the integrity of the mortgage finance industry. Instead, he used his firm to commit a massive mortgage fraud scheme that left scores of foreclosed properties in its wake.”-Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney  

Canino and his firm recruited “straw buyers”; people who posed as home buyers to purchase distressed properties but who had no intention of paying the mortgages.  The bank loans meant for buying the properties actually went to Canino and his co-conspirators. Court papers said the Long Island based firm ran the fraud from 2004 to 2009.

If you think about it, $66 million is a drop in the big bucket of home foreclosures.