United Police States of America: You are a Terrorist in California if you sell organic milk! Woman charged with money laundering & securities fraud! Man tortured by cops for one week, nearly died! Part of conspiracy to shut down organic farms!

“I’m shocked that this is America. Because it seems like you’re in some third world country, in a gulag, like in the movie Midnight Express, where you’re absolutely just tortured. That was the experience I had. Your mind goes, how can this be? This is America?”-James Stewart, victim of Los Angeles County Sherrif’s Department

If you sell raw milk in California you will be accused of being a terrorist, of money laundering, securities fraud, conspiracy, grand theft and tax evasion.  You will also be tortured!

65 year old James Cecil Stewart was arrested and charged with 37 felonies regarding his raw milk business, Rawesome.  His business partner, Larry Otting, has been charge with 14 counts.

Stewart claims he suffered 10 days of “hell” at the hands of LA County deputies: “I thought I was gonna die in there.”

A March 7, 2012, report said his partner Otting was still in jail!

But wait, there’s more.  Two other people were arrested and charged with a plethora of felonies as well.

Sharon Palmer, who runs Healthy Family Farms in Santa Paula, was arrested, and Victoria Bloch has also been charged in connection to Healthy Family Farms.

In a video posted in July 2010, Bloch explains how the local governments of California are shutting down raw milk farms, and even farmers’ market operations, because they are taking business away from corporations.

It’s interesting that almost two years after the video was posted, of Bloch explaining that Corporate America, through local governments, is acting to shut down competition from small organic farmers, she and four others involved with organic farms, get arrested and charged with an incredible amount of felonies!

Watch video of August 2011, FDA raid on Rawsome organic farm.

The raw goat milk farmers had clients in Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles counties.  They have been charged with crimes in Ventura and Los Angeles counties.  The attorney for Sharon Palmer, Matt Bromund, says the outrageous actions of the county courts “…smacks of grandstanding.”

There are plenty of videos of local & federal government raids of organic farms, raw milk sellers, tomato farmers, etc, across the United States, check out YouTube.