Finally, U.S. officials putting the blame for 9/11 on Saudi Arabia! I’ve been saying that for years!

“Finally someone who knows some of the truth about 9/11 is standing up and saying ‘wait a minute, we didn’t give those guys the all clear’ as Saudi Arabia has been saying for several years. Exonerated, I don’t think so!”-Sharon Premoli, Justice Against Terrorism

“I am convinced that there was a direct line between at least some of the terrorists who carried out the September 11th attacks and the government of Saudi Arabia.…further attention and investigation concerns the involvement of Saudi based charities in the provision of financial and other support to al Qaeda, and the precise character of the relationships between those charities and the government of the Kingdom.”Bob Graham, former U.S. Senator from Florida, and former chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on 9/11

“Significant questions remain unanswered concerning the possible involvement of Saudi government institutions and actors in the financing and sponsorship of al Qaeda.”Bob Kerrey, former U.S. Senator from Nebraska, and former member of National Commission on Terrorist Acts Upon the United States (aka 9/11 Commission)

Fact: Not one Afghan or Iraqi was involved in the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, yet the people of Afghanistan and Iraq have been the bloody whipping boys/girls for the blood lust vengeance seeking people of the U.S.

Fact: The accused 9/11 attackers came from Saudi Arabia (15), United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt (1) and Lebanon (1).

The bin Laden family is from the Arabian Peninsula, not Iraq, not Afghanistan!  The October 12, 2000, attack on the USS Cole was done by people from the Arabian Peninsula (it actually took place on the Arabian Peninsula).  Yet, a Federal judge, under the Bush Jr administration, ruled that the African country Sudan was to blame!

It’s obvious that those who’ve been attacking the United States are from the Arab Peninsula (mainly Saudi Arabia), yet we don’t dare attack them. Why? Because they’re part of the petrodollar beast that was created back in 1973!!!