World War 3: Proof War on Terror is a religious war; U.S. led force commit yet more acts of desecration, and say Oooops We Didn’t Know

“We are deeply concerned about the report of Qur’an or religious materials being damaged, and will get to the bottom of what actually happened.”-Lieutenant Lauren Rago, ISAF

Yet again, U.S. led forces have committed acts of desecration in Afghanistan, this time burning unknown numbers of Qur’ans.  A French photographer reported it, after Afghans working at the Bagram Airfield showed him evidence of the desecration.  Local officials also reported it to the Associated Press.

The sorry ass lying U.S. Marine Corps General, John Allen, gave the now typical response: “These are very, very isolated incidents. We’ve been here a long time. We’ve been shoulder to shoulder with the Afghans for a long time. We’ve been dying alongside the Afghans for a long time because we believe in them. We believe in their country. We want to have every opportunity to give them a bright future.”

Isolated case my ass!!! These “isolated” cases of desecration have been taking place every year since the damn war on terror started in 2001!  Not just in Afghanistan, but in Iraq, and even here in the United States!

In Afghanistan alone, there have been several cases of U.S. forces desecrating bodies of Afghans (which, if I remember my Army FMs correctly, is a violation of UCMJ), including the recent case in which the video was actually posted on the internet.  Then there’s the 2009 case of Qur’ans being burned in Afghanistan. Then the 2010 Afghan riots caused by the false christian pastor in Florida, who wanted to burn Qur’ans.

In 2011, the same false christian carried out his threat, causing widespread protests in Afghanistan leading to the deaths of 30 people, including some UN workers.

Bagram Airfield has been a sore spot for both Afghans and U.S. forces. I suspect that things are going to really heat up now!  Reports say more than 500 Afghans are protesting around the base, throwing fire bombs and chanting “Death to America” and “We don’t want you anymore”.

See pics of Afghans attacking Bagram with rocks and sling shots, while U.S. troops shoot back with guns, here.

The ignoramus USMC General John Allen, said: “Something like this just cannot happen again.”

Yeah, we’ve been telling the Afghans that for more than tens years now!