Tag Archives: corporate america

Occupy America! Corporate Lobbyists present plan to shut down OWS & Tea Party, more proof that the elites want turn the U.S. into a Prison Planet

MSNBC revealed a memo, written by former employees of U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, which basically asks for money to research ways to shut down the OWS and Tea Party movements.

Part of its goal is to prevent Democrats from joining the OWS movement, because that would threaten Corporate America: “This would mean more than just short term political discomfort for Wall Street…It has the potential to have very long lasting political, policy and financial impacts on the companies in the center of the bullseye.”

The proposal was written on the letterhead of the lobbying firm Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford and addressed to the American Bankers Association. It asks for more than $850,000 to conduct a 60 day study, which would include identifying Democratic candidates that are anti-Corporate America.

The Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford proposal also suggests that members of the Tea Party are close to joining forces with the OWS movement, and that upcoming end of year bonuses for corporate officials could result in Tea Party and OWS becoming one powerful movement: “Well known Wall Street companies stand at the nexus of where OWS protestors and the Tea Party overlap on angered populismThis combination has the potential to be explosive later in the year when media reports cover the next round of bonuses and contrast it with stories of millions of Americans making do with less this holiday season.”

The Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford proposal strongly suggest making examples of anyone who goes against Corporate America: “A big challenge is to demonstrate that these companies still have political strength and that making them a political target will carry a severe political cost.”

You need any more proof that Wall Street/Corporate America runs this country?

Occupy America! What Economic Recovery? Detroit to lay off thousands more city employees, impose more cuts, Detroit is Ground Zero for Corporate America’s attack on the working class

“The mood in Detroit is grim. The workers are very angry. They’ve given concessions over and over and over again without striking. We haven’t struck since 1896.”Michael Mulholland, Secretary Treasure at AFCME Local 207 in Detroit

In 1983 there were 21,000 Detroit City union employees, now it’s down to about 11,000 and will drop at least another thousand by next year.  After more than 100 years, it looks like the City’s employee union might finally go on strike!

In 2010, Detroit officials legally imposed drastic cuts upon the City employees’ pay and benefits, now they’re threatening more cuts!  In the past two years 2,000 City employees have lost their jobs, now the Detroit Mayor, Dave Bing, wants another 1,000 layoffs.

But, union officials say the Detroit City Council wants to one up the Mayor: “The City Council is competing with him to represent Big Business, apparently, they’re threatening 2,300 layoffs!”-Michael Mulholland, Secretary Treasure at AFCME Local 207 in Detroit

This is part of a sinister plot to privatize Detroit, and the United States: “Detroit has a long history as a leader of the Civil Rights movement, we’re still a 85% Black city.  We have a long history as a leader of the Labor Movement, and I suppose that Big Business figures if they can attack us in Detroit, and get away with it, than they can do it anywhere in the nation, and lower the living standards of the entire population.”-Michael Mulholland, Secretary Treasure at AFCME Local 207 in Detroit

Occupy America: Know your enemy; the top 1% are money sucking vampires. 1.4 million vampires are sucking the money out of more than 300 million people!!! Are you under their spell?

“The top 1 percent of households took a bigger share of overall income in 2007 than they did at any time since 1928.”-Annie Lowrey, New York Times

Here’s a shocker; in New York City the top 1% average U.S.$3.7 million in income, according to Christopher Ketcham.

The IRS and the CBO have already proven with their data that the top 1% have been acting like money vampires, sucking money out of our economic system.

What kind of jobs do the 1% have?  According to a CNNMoney report, 8.4% are attorneys, 14% are financial professionals, 15.7% are medical professionals, and 31% run Corporate America (executives, managers and supervisors).

Mother Jones has a more detailed breakdown.  MJ also shows that most of the wealth of the top 1% is invested in paper (stocks, securities, trusts, equities),  not traditional real estate.

AlterNet gives top five astounding facts about the 1%: “1. The Top 1 Percent of Americans Owns 40 Percent of the Nation’s Wealth, 2. The Top 1 Percent of Americans Take Home 24 Percent of National Income, 3. The Top 1 Percent Of Americans Own Half of the Country’s Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds, 4. The Top 1 Percent Of Americans Have Only 5 Percent of the Nation’s Personal Debt, 5. The Top 1 Percent are Taking In More of the Nation’s Income Than at Any Other Time Since the 1920s.”  AlterNet breaks down each of their claims with facts.

So how many of these money suckers are there, how many vampires make up the 1%?  Approximately 1,400,00 (according to the IRS).  Compare that to the total U.S. population of  308,745,538 (according to 2010 U.S. Census Bureau data).  1.4 million vampires are sucking the money out of more than 300 million people!!!

And what about raising taxes on the top elites?  According to IRS data, reported by Bloomberg Businessweek, the top 400, out of the 1.4 million money suckers, actually paid less taxes in 2007.  These super elite vampires (the Count Draculas of the money suckers) saw their effective tax rates fall from nearly 30% in 1995 to under 17% in 2007!!!

I still don’t understand why there isn’t more of the 99% joining the Occupy America (OWS, Occupy Wall Street) movement, unless they’re under the spell of the money sucking vampire elites known as the 1%.



What Economic Recovery? Overwhelming majority of people say the U.S. is doomed, Congress blocks Jobs Bill, Nobel Prize winning economists say we are screwed

On the night of October 11, the U.S. Senate blocked President Obama’s proposed Jobs creation bill.

In the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, 74% of people says the United States is going in the wrong direction.  32% said the economy will get worse.  45% said it will stay the same.

On October 11, the CBS Early Show interviewed two Noble prize winning U.S. economists.  They asked them what could be done to give the U.S. economy “a boost”.  There was a long pause before one tried to give an answer: “Ah, that’s a very difficult question to answer. There’s a lot of uncertainty now, both in Europe and the United States, about what future government policy is going to be. Um, and probably the best thing politicians can do is, um, quickly reach compromises, um, and have coherent plans going forward…”-Thomas Sergant, Nobel winning economist

Basically he said it’s completely, totally, up to our government!  Can you say we’re screwed?

The other Nobel prize winning economist, Christopher Sims, basically blamed the whole situation on the government.  Watch the CBS interview.

What Economic Recovery? Corporate America screws us over, again, ZERO jobs created in August 2011!!!

“The last time the government reported exactly zero jobs added in a month was in February 1945.”-CNN

“We expected a weak report, and what we got was even weaker…” and  “It’s still a skunk and it still stinks.”-Patrick O’Keefe, economic researcher at J.H. Cohn

The United States Department of Labor says Corporate America has let the country down again, zero jobs created in the month of August!!!

President Obama said his advisers expect the official unemployment rate to stay well above 6% until 2017!!!

When you factor out the 45,000 striking Verizon workers, and the temporarily laid off 22,000 state workers in Minnesota, the jobs creation numbers for August are a piddly 23,000.  Remember, most economists say at least 150,000 new jobs MUST be created every month, and that is not happening.  A more recent study by the Economic Policy Institute says 400,000 new jobs must be created every month!!!

This crappy August jobs report surprised the hell out of many economists.  CNN asked 22 economist what they thought the jobs creation number for August would be.  They thought at least 75,000 new jobs would be created, not ZERO!!!

It’s time they start calling this possible double dip recession what it really is, a depression!  I guess if  you look at it optimistically, the job numbers could have been worse, they could have gone negative!  So much for being optimistic!