What Economic Recovery? Latest survey shows there are less jobs now, than in 2008, study says Corporate America is Lieing when they use the excuse “they can’t find qualified workers”

“To fill the gap by mid-2014, three years from now, 400,000 jobs would need to be created each month.”-EPI study titled: Sustained, high joblessness causes lasting damage to wages, benefits, income, and wealth

The latest Economic Policy Insitute study shows there are 6.8 million fewer jobs now, than when the recession officially started in 2008.

The study also indicated that it was a pipe dream to some how create 400,000 new jobs every month.  So far, evil Corporate America has been hiring a paltry average of 144,000 jobs each month.  The EPI authors say at that rate it’ll take 15 more years to get the United States back to its pre-2008 glory.  And this study doesn’t take into account all those federal and state government jobs that will be lost due to budget cutting.

Another aspect of the study showed that Corporate America’s claim that there are no qualified workers to hire, is a lie!  That type of unemployment is called Structural Unemployment.

The study found that the ratio of job openings, to job seekers, is one opening for every four applicants.  It’s been that way for at least two years now.  With an average of four unemployed people applying for one job, how can Corporate America say they can’t find any qualified workers?

Here’s another reason: The unemployed include people from every education group, including college graduates with Masters degrees.  This means Corporate America has a vast pool of trained and educated people to pick from, yet Corporate America isn’t hiring!