Tag Archives: bagram

World War 3: U.S. Bagram airbase hit by missile attack, excuse for war with Iran?

Taliban (Mujahideen) confirm missile attacks on Bagram.  The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan states that Bagram air base has been attacked with missiles at least three times in the past 24 hours.  At least four missiles (unguided rockets?), from overnight attacks, landed within the base compound.  They claim attacks are continuing.

Breaking news reports out of Afghanistan say the Taliban hit the U.S. controlled Bagram air base with at least nine missiles.  Some reports say the attacks took place on New Year’s Eve (western Gregorian calender), as U.S. personnel were celebrating the coming New Year.

Some Afghan government officials say their sources confirm the attacks, but there are no casualties reported.

There’s been no clarification if the attacks were done with guided missiles, or unguided rockets.  Some Taliban sources say they were long range missiles.

Bagram is located in Parwan (aka Parvan) Province, in northwestern Afghanistan.  Ever since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, Bagram has been the target of many attacks.

Reports say there are many casualties from the latest attacks.  Already there is internet chatter that this might be used by the United States to launch an all out war with Iran.  The U.S. government has ignorantly claimed that the Taliban are linked to Iran (it’s ignorant because the Taliban and the Iranian’s are mortal enemies). Also, all U.S. military bases in the Middle East are within range of Iran’s growing missile systems.

Also, on December 27, 2011, Taliban claimed they launched two missiles at Bagram, with no casualties effected.