Mormon dominated Idaho makes big money off Beer!

31 July 2015 (03:24 UTC-07 Tango 01 )/09 Mordad 1394/14 Shawwal 1436/16 Gui-Wie (6th month) 4713

“In the last year, our sales have gone up at least 50%!”-Taresa James, Pub New Harmony in Pocatello, interviewed by KIDK

According to a 2013 National Public Radio report, 25% of people in The Gem State are Mormons, oh, I mean members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

My brother is a Mormon, and the overwhelming majority of my neighbors are Mormons.  In fact if you based your perception of which religion is the dominant religion in Chubbuck on the number of churches, you’d have to say LDS,  because in a city of about 18-thousand residents there are three LDS ‘Wards’.  The Catholic Saint Paul’s church died several years ago, and still sits vacant on West Chubbuck Road (my mother used to go there whenever she visited).

There is a church called Gate City Christian, and a recently built University Bible Church on the western outskirts of the city, and supposedly there is a very small Baptist Church.  But that’s it, no Synagogues, no Mosques!

Now realize that Mormons are not supposed to drink booze yet Idaho’s beer business has become worth $1.2-billion USD!  The Beer Institute and National Beer Wholesalers Association also says Idaho’s beer industry has paid out at least $10-million in wages!

I’ve had many co-workers who call themselves Jack Mormons because they love their beer (and they refuse to go to church and pay their extortion, I mean tithe. “Mormons believe that paying tithing brings peace”).  When I was in the Idaho National Guard I knew several prominent high level LDS Ward members who used their weekend and summer training as an excuse to justify drinking beer!

In the city of Pocatello, which is overwhelmingly Mormon (75.4% according to Census Bureau data!), a massive malting operation is taking place.  It’s Great Western Malting, and recently they got a $75-million USD investment from their Australia based parent company GrainCorp to massively increase production.  Pocatello’s Mormon  mayor even took part in a ground breaking ceremony to expand the Great Western malting operation.  Mormons tout their family values but when it comes to making money, anything goes (in direct ignorance of 2 Nephi 9:30 “..wo unto the rich….they despise the poor and they persecute the meek, and their hearts are upon their treasures; wherefore, their treasure is their god……”)

The Chalk Horse

Mormon bank caught violating U.S. sanctions against Iran!

By the way, I’m not anti-beer, I’m anti-money: “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”-1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version