Norovirus update: Hospital being blamed!

24 December 2012, prefectural health officials, in Miyazaki Prefecture, say the hospital’s bad hygiene habits, and diagnostic incompetence could be to blame for the latest norovirus outbreak in Japan.

The hospital also delayed reporting deaths.

Officials say the hospital did not report any norovirus infections until three days after the first person died. The hospital did not even mention the death in their first report.  It was another five days, and after several more people had died, before the hospital revealed any deaths.

Six people died between the 14th and 22nd of December.

Hospital staff say they didn’t think the patients had norovirus!

Prefectual officials say the way staff handled the bio-hazard waste from the patients’ discharges (vomiting, etc) could have caused the outbreak in the hospital.  There are still at least 44 people sick, five are in serious condition.