World War 3: NATO member Turkey launches new attacks on Syria! Syria pulls troops back from Turkish border! False flag to get U.S./NATO into full blown war with Syria?

“…Don’t dare to test Turkey’s patience. Turkey will prevail without a scratch out of this incident and proceed on its way. But you will be crushed by it and pay a big price!”-Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey

05 October 2012, reports saying that Turkish forces are continuing artillery attacks on Syria.

Turkish officials claim they were attacked first, and are responding to a new round of mortar attacks coming from Syria.  Turkish media claims a mortar round from Syria hit a farm.

Some regional analysts are suspecting a false flag operation by U.S./Israeli supported insurgents inside Syria, in order to justify a full blown war.

It does not make sense for the Syrian government to attack Turkey, and the Turks seem too willing to attack Syria!

Also, there are reports that the Syrian government is responding to a suggestion to create a buffer zone along the Turkish border. The report says Syrian troops have pulled back 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from the border, and Syrian aircraft are forbidden to enter the buffer zone.  This is more proof that the Syrian government does not want war with Turkey.