What Economic Recovery? IMF demands Japan raise taxes. It’s all about making investors happy, call it Global Vulture Capitalism!

12 June 2012, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) wants the Japanese federal government to raise sales taxes by a minimum of 15%.

The IMF issued a report to Japan, saying it was critical that “reforms” were made to social programs, and taxes.

Currently Japan has a 5% national sales tax, and the Diet (parliament) is considering raising it to 10%.  The IMF wants it to be 15% or more!

The IMF report reads very much like what is being imposed on people in several European countries, like Greece and Spain.

An IMF official admitted that it had nothing to do with saving governments, or helping citizens of affected countries, it was all about “investors”: “Japan must tackle its deep rooted fiscal problems. Passage of the current tax and social security reforms is thus crucial to demonstrate commitment to fiscal reform and thus to sustain investor confidence.”-David Lipton, First Deputy Managing Director IMF