Tag Archives: electric

Corporate Incompetence meets Investor Vengeance: TEPCo stockholders sue Nuclear Disaster Reactor company for $71 billion!

42 major Tokyo Electric Power Company stockholders are demanding that auditors for the company sue the 61 current, and former, corporate executive members of the nuclear disaster reactor company.

They claim the executives failed to keep their promise to make the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant earthquake and tsunami proof.  Japan has been suffering from the ongoing radioactive emissions for more than eight months.

The shareholders want more than 5.5 trillion yen (U.S.$71 billion), the highest ever demanded in a lawsuit in Japan.

The investors said if the TEPCo auditors did not file a lawsuit against the executives, within 60 days, they would do so themselves.

Nissan Leaf won’t start

Nissan is investigating why its electric car, the Leaf, won’t start.  Several customers, in Japan and United States, are complaining that their Leafs won’t start.

Nissan thinks it is related to the air conditioner sensor: “…it will illuminate a warning light on the instrument panel and may cause the vehicle to not restart once it has been turned off.”-Katherine Zachary, Nissan’s North American unit