Tag Archives: diphtheria

False Flag: Pro-vaccine government blames a single case of diphtheria on rejection of vaccines!

04 June 2015 (01:01 UTC-07 Tango 01)/14 Kordad 1394/16 Sha’ban 1436/18 Ren-Wu (4th month) 4713

Vaccine pushing Spain is reporting its first case of Corynebacterium diphtheriae in 29 years, and health administrators blame a growing rejection of vaccination by the general public.

A six years old boy is infected.  Spanish administrators even begged Russia to send them the drug needed to treat him, as vaccine addicted Spain did not have the drug!

Diphtheria is spread by direct contact or through the air. It causes a condition known as Bull Neck, as it causes swelling of body parts.  The bacteria is assumed to have a 10% fatality rate.  In fact, it’s not that common of a disease with the UN World Health Organization reporting 4-thousand 7-hundred cases worldwide in 2013.

The Spanish Ministry of Health has officially labeled people who refuse vaccines as “irresponsible”.  90% of Spaniards are considered ‘vaccinated’.

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