Earthquake update: Chinese casualties skyrocketing, more 6+ quakes!

21 April 2013 (16:14 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Jumada t-Tania 1434/01 Ordibehest 1391/12 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

36 hours after a USGS magnitude 6.6 earthquake, and several 5+ quakes, China’s Sichuan Province has been hit with two more magnitude 5+ quakes.  Rescue efforts have revealed more than 186 people killed,  3000 injured and 40000 homeless!

Chinese media reporting more than 1700 aftershocks!

Yesterday I reported seven magnitude 6+ earthquakes for April 2013.  Today a 6.1 quake hit the Izu Islands, near Japan. That makes eight big quakes for the month so far.  During April 2012 there were ten big quakes, we still have a little more than a week and a half left for this April.

Also today, islands along the Aleutian Chain off Alaska got hit with a 5.7 quake.